Monday, November 1, 2010

I Declare A Misnomer

I will explain....

Being "with child", I am commonly asked this question: "Are you hoping for that girl?" I answer truthfully and say that surely it would be a great privilege to have a girl added to our little family, but in all actuality, I am more than content to have another boy. I do love raising "Future Men." The next comment is usually made: "As long as it is healthy, right?" And I in somewhat of a whirlwind answer, "Sure." Well, my answer has changed.

I am redefining healthy and declaring a misnomer! A misnomer is a term which suggests an interpretation that is know to be untrue. Why are Americans obsessed with health? I, as a Christian, a slave of Christ Himself, am to joyfully accept all things that come to pass, not because they are always pure and lovely, but because they come from God the Father, who at all times is Good, Righteous, Just, Pure, Lovely, Compassionate, Slow to Anger, and promises to always do good to me His child. I posses love from the Creator of the Universe, that not everyone can claim. Why do you O Christian complain about anything or everything? Why do we humans declare rights to things we own not? (Romans 9:14-30)

A healthy baby, for the Christian should be a misnomer. For the Christian, a healthy baby is not the goal of pregnancy. Yes, I take vitamins and eat healthfully because I want to steward my body, His Temple, in a way in which brings glory to Him. However, the goal of pregnancy is to rest in that, after I have done what He requires of me, He will give me a gift which I do not deserve to care for on this earth. Oh the responsibility of growing a child in the fear and admonition of the Lord !! Whether that child has all 10 fingers and toes, a healthy heart, a functioning liver, or all the chromosomal perfections that we take for granted, is up to the Lord Almighty and knowing Him, allows me to rest in HIS perfection, not mine. Like our fore fathers Job, Joseph, David, and Daniel, I long to and resolve to fix my mind on Thee O Christ!

Whatever the Lord wills, is what I desire. Amen.

"You will keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee." Isaiah 26:3


Coleson & Tate said...

Amen sister. Well said! :)

Charissa said...

A wise and well thought out response, Paiger. God is good and His will is perfect. Thank you for the reminder to trust in His purposes--It was definitely a blessing to read! Love you!

Cynthia said...

A child is a gift of the Lord. All children are special in their own way. People love you and want the best for you and your family, they are saying they are happy for you. Be healthy and happy and you will have a happy child. Hope you are both well and also the boys. I would like to talk with you soon...have you located your phone? love to all Mom

melissa said...

hey paige - again congratulations. are you showing a lot sooner this time around?

"Whatever the Lord wills, is what I desire." This is the best! Whatever the circumstance God will give you peace in His plan for your lives.

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