Monday, June 23, 2014


So my hubby and I were having a conversation about this Insta-Culture we live in.  Why do people struggle with getting stuff done?  Why are people so overly consumed with themselves that it hinders them from accomplishing their responsibilities, having problems discerning what to say "yes" and "no" to, being tossed into a seemingly real depression, having to know whats going on in "Suzy's" house, etc.  Well, the short answer is USUALLY self.  Self gratification, self centeredness, self UNcontrol, laziness, worship of others, and the summation of it all, self worship. 

Lets face it, we are addicts.  We are addicted to ideas, ideologies, people, pleasures, substances.  I'm sure I missed some.  I find myself fixed on the Savior one minute and on to myself the next.  John Piper is so right in that we have to FIGHT for Joy.  Joy in the finished work of Christ.  Joy in the journey of sanctification.  Joy in our sufferings as they are the working out of the fruits of the Spirit in us and our ultimate salvation.  Joy in the service of our callings, our choices, our responsibilities, our duties.

Back to Insta-culture.  Here's a thought.  A hundred years ago, heck, TWENTY years ago, we woke up, went to our "work," ate food a few times a day, read some books, or worked some more, chatted on the phone a few times a week to our best ones, watched a little idiot box with the fam (wrote letters if you lived in Downton?  Ok, I'll admit, I am a little addicted to Downton.  Shucks, we used to like Murder She Wrote.  Come on people!  Should have stuck with the hundred years ago....oh well.  I'll close the parentheses now.), and went to bed.  When we thought about someone, we wrote them a letter, or made a phone call that lasted 30 minutes at most because we had to get back to what we HAD to do.  Now, we wake up, look up what EVERYONE AROUND THE GLOBE is doing and then make breakfast (maybe), looking AGAIN at MEDIA, going to "work", taking a break, texting, checking MEDIA, driving home whist texting (if you're a rebel), ok this is starting to depress me.  Whatever.  You get my made up analogy.  Is there anytime for meditation, quiet, practicing something new, praying for people who come to mind, reading,  visiting your neighbor who just had surgery, asking someone over for dinner, mowing the lawn?  Well, sure there is, for some, but my point I suppose is dual.  1) You can usually get most of the things done that you are supposed to if you just steadily go about your day doing those things, and if not, no big deal.  You might leave the last dishes until the morning.  Or on a sick day, your house might end up looking like the aftermath of an atomic bomb.  It's ok!  Some days are made to "survive."  There is beauty in being humbled.   2) YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!  You need not please everyone, answer everyone who "knocks on your door", compare what Joe and Suzy do every weekend, worry about who "likes" your photo or post, or even who doesn't "like" your stuff.  There is not a conspiracy going around about you.  People don't talk about you all the time.  Let's face it, if they do, its probably not that healthy, and the world will still spin.  They are responsible for that.  NOT YOU or ME!  Let's focus people.  Stop reading this silly post.  :)

Ha ha.  Thanks for visiting my ridiculous blog.  Just joking.  I'm praying that God would help me to do what I've thought about. Peace out.  ;)

Corum Deo.

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